Menu Daripada Buah Tin

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Hari ini saya ingin berkongsi tentang menu-menu 'smoothie' yang boleh dibuat daripada buah tin. Oleh kerana khasiatnya yang banyak saya rasa ada keperluan untuk mempelbagaikan penggunaan buah tin.

Bukan sahaja ianya sangat enak dimakan secara segar tetapi jika diolah menjadi menu lain yang menarik dan sedap ia juga mampu menggamit selera orang-orang yang mungkin tidak menggemari buah tin selama ini.

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Fig Smoothie Recipes and Nutrition
Fresh figs are a good base fruit for a smoothie, especially when used with other base fruits like banana and peach. Figs can have a mild flavor so they are excellent when blended with fruits like apple, peach, nectarine, banana, pear and strawberry. You’ll lose the subtle fig flavor if you blend them with pineapple or other berries. Choose less bitter greens when making green smoothies with figs.

Fig Nutrition and Health Benefits

Figs are a good fruit-source of calcium with 3 figs containing 50 mg (5% RDA). They also contain all B vitamins (except B12), beta-carotene, vitamin C, E and K. As for minerals, they have calcium, iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. Figs have a laxative effect and contain high levels of polyphenols and flavonoid antioxidants.
Figs add a great calorie-boost to a smooth. Three medium-sized fresh figs contain about 110 calories, 1 gram of protein and 0.4 grams of fat.

Fig Smoothie Recipes

You can toss in whole figs into the blender or cut them into pieces. The entire fruit is edible.
Banana-Fig Smoothie
– 2 bananas, peeled
– 3 fresh figs
– 2 handfuls of fresh baby spinach or other leafy green
– 8 ounces of water

You can also accent the flavor with fresh or frozen strawberries, peaches or nectarines.
Calories: 334 | Fat: 1.5g (grams) | Protein: 5.4g | Carbs: 85g | Calcium: 12% | Iron: 2.8mg | Vitamin A: 200% | Vitamin C: 45%
– 1 large organic peach, pitted
– 3 fresh figs
– 2 handfuls of fresh baby spinach or other leafy green
– 8 ounces of water

Calories: 193 | Fat: 1.1g (grams) | Protein: 4.4g | Carbs: 47.6g | Calcium: 12% | Iron: 2.6mg | Vitamin A: 214% | Vitamin C: 35%

How To Select Figs

When making a smoothie, you want to use fresh figs as dried figs won’t blend up well. Unfortunately, fresh figs can be hard to come by depending on where you live. If you are lucky enough to find them, choose figs that are plump and soft but watch carefully for mold. Use fresh figs up quickly since they are highly perishable.

Di Malaysia memang payah untuk mendapatkan buah tin segar tetapi kini sudah terdapat segelintir orang yang menanam pokok tin di perkarangan rumah. Tidak kurang juga yang mengusahakannya secara besar-besaran tetapi bekalan di dalam pasaran masih berkurangan.
InshaAllah, saya juga sedang mengusahakan tanaman ini dan akan diwar-warkan jika tiba waktunya ia boleh dipasarkan.


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