Only The Best For Your Baby

" As mother I only want the best for my baby.I know it's important to get omega 3 fatty acids for my baby's development, and I choose to take BiOmega (from USANA HEALTH SCIENCES) because I know it's safe and of great quality.And now, with the added lemon oil, there's none of the fishy aftertaste, so it's much easier to take the full dose every day."


Omega 3 fatty acids taken by mother during pregnancy may play a role in the development of her baby's brain and eye health before birth and even during early childhood.

Studies seem to come out daily touting the benefits of omega 3 fatty acids for good health.There is exciting new research that suggests a link between omega 3 fatty acids and early childhood development.

Why should every woman of childbearing age consume omega 3 fatty acids as part of an overall healthy diet?

There are 3 reasons:

First the area of heart health. There are hundreds of studies that show omega 3 fatty acids benefit the heart.

Second, there are potential benefits for the immune system

Third,and the most important reason is the clear link between an adequate nutritional supply of two omega 3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, and proper development of a child's brain and eyes.

A child must get these important nutrients for normal, healthy cognitive and visual function.

There is only one place for a developing fetus to obtain these nutrients and that's from its mother.In fact, the fetus nourishment takes priority over the available supply of omega 3 fatty acids, and therefore this constant drain on the mother's fatty acid reserves could easily lead to a deficiency.But most important, if the mother's supply of these fats is low, the child may not get adequate amounts for normal development.The best way to ensure a sufficient supply for both the child and the mother is to get plenty of omega 3s into the diet before, during and after pregnancy.

So please call the numbers at the sidebar to get your USANA Biomega from the distributor.

Source:USANA Newsletter


  1. salam noor - Good luck to hazrin! semoga dpt menjawap soalan dengan tenang. Insya ALLAH


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