Antral Gastritis

What Is Antral Gastritis?

There are people throughout the world who suffer from antral gastritis. This particular type of gastritis is an autoimmune issue that may provide a great deal of discomfort to those suffering with this condition; however, more often than not someone has this condition without being aware of any symptoms. Furthermore, there are multiple different types of gastritis that are all treated basically with acid suppressants as well as medication to address the root cause. Throughout this article we will explore all you need to know about antral gastritis, including symptoms and treatment to minimize your discomfort.

Most gastritis is acute and involves inflammation of the gastric mucosa. This inflammation can overcome the stomach as a whole, which is known as pangastritis; however, the gastritis we are focused on is antral gastritis. This type only affects a single region of the stomach as opposed to the whole thing. Furthermore, although anyone can have gastritis, it is a bit more common in those that are over the age of sixty. It is important to note that if this gastritis is left untreated it may extend to other areas and become more chronic in nature, making it harder to treat.

In terms of symptoms, many people may confuse gastritis with heartburn; however, gastritis can also be characterized by more severe symptoms such as bloody stools and pain, especially after eating. Ingestion, nausea, stool changes, and even gas are frequently connected with this type of acute gastritis. However, most cases of gastritis may be present without the presence of any symptoms. Obviously without symptoms people are unlikely to know there is an issue to be addressed. Therefore, most will find out they have gastritis when they visit a doctor for other reasons altogether. However, physicians are able to determine if you have antral gastritis by noting your symptoms (if present) and performing an endoscopy.

One of the most common questions concerning antral gastritis is the possible cause of this condition. Truthfully, this acute disorder may come from a variety of different sources. Viral and bacterial infections that are not treated quickly enough may result in this issue. Furthermore, certain medications, alcohol, food poisoning, and even stress can lead to different types of gastritis. Although one would not generally expect so, anemia, Crohn’s disease, cocaine abuse, pain medicine, and even HIV are sometimes linked to the development of this type of gastritis. However, it is essential to understand these causes are not as likely to develop as those due to an infection (fungal, viral, or bacterial).

In terms of treatment, the exact method your physical prescribes will obviously include treating the cause. For example, if you have gastritis due to a bacterial infection, your physician will prescribe medication to treat the infection as well as the gastritis. Typically antacids are prescribed, which can also be obtained over the counter. However, note that treating the gastritis without addressing the cause (especially if due to Helicobacter pylori infection) is likely to result in a return of the gastritis.

In conclusion, antral gastritis may be present for years without you noticing any symptoms. Most people diagnosed with any form of gastritis are diagnosed due to an endoscopy procedure that is being performed for a completely different issue altogether. However, sometimes people may experience ingestion issues, gas, bloody stools, and nausea when battling this condition. After proper diagnosis your doctor is likely to prescribe antacid medicines such as Prilosec (omeprazole), Pepcid, or Zantac along with medication to combat the actual cause. Although these medications are available over the counter, be sure to see a doctor if you develop any gastric symptoms to address the cause and minimize the likelihood of reoccurrence.



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